

Product Number: 4026204

CAS Number: 56897-53-1

CHF 382CHF 1,147

Pack size available

250mg, 1g

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Product Description

Carcinine was originally discovered in the cardiac tissue of the crustacean Carcinus maenas. Both carnosine and carcinine act as natural antioxidants with hydroxyl-radical-scavenging and lipid-peroxidase activities. Unlike carnosine, carcinine is not a substrate for carnosinase or other dipeptidases. Therefore it may play a greater role in the prolongation and potentiation of physiological responses to the therapeutical treatments. Carcinine forms complexes with Cu(II).

Salt form: Hydrochloride

Molecular weight: 182.23

Chemical Formula: C₈H₁₄N₄O

Storage Temperature: < -15°C

Source: Synthetic

Old Product Number: G-4425


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