Osteostatin (1-5) amide (human, bovine, dog, horse, mouse, rabbit, rat)


Product Number: 4025761

CAS Number: 155918-12-0

CHF 224.70

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Product Description

This pTHrP fragment stimulated membrane-associated protein kinase C in freshly isolated rat spleen lymphocytes and thus raises the possibility of being a physiological regulator of the proliferation and other activities of lymphocytes.

Salt form: Trifluoroacetate

Molecular weight: 618.69

Chemical Formula: C₂₇H₄₂N₁₀O₇

Storage Temperature: < -15°C

Synonyms: pTH-rP (107-111) amide (human, bovine, dog, horse, mouse, rabbit, rat)

One Letter code: TRSAW-NH₂

Source: Synthetic

Old Product Number: H-2244


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