H-Leu-OMe · HCl

H-Leu-OMe · HCl

Product Number: 4000607

CAS Number: 7517-19-3

CHF 123.10

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Product Description

Leu-OMe (LME) causes lysosomal disruption and death of human monocytes (M phi). In addition, LME removed natural killer cell (NK) activity from human peripheral mononuclear cells (PBM). During incubation of human lymphocytes with Leu-OMe, the dipeptide Leu-Leu-OMe which is responsible for the NK-toxicity, is formed.

Molecular weight: 181.66

Chemical Formula: C₇H₁₅NO₂ · HCl

Storage Temperature: +5 ± 3 °C

Old Product Number: E-2080


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